Thursday, March 27, 2008

A note from "Daddy"

I would like to say I have been so busy with school, work, and the girls that I haven't had an opportunity to post on this site, but in actuality, I just can't compete with the writings of my wonderful wife. This week Claire has been doing all she can to keep up with the girls and keep the house clean. She even taught dance on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday nights! Picture Claire with baby Emma hanging out in front, hip hopping with a bunch of young ladies! I don't know where she gets her energy, but it is truly inspirational!

We have been trying to have me spend more time with Elora in order to prepare her for Emma's arrival. We are also attempting to get her to go to bed without one of us sitting in the room with her. Tonight we placed a baby gate in front of her room and let her cry for 5 minute, 7 minute, 9 minute, 11 minute and 14 minute periods of time. After the eleven minute period I went in to check on her and she was standing up in the doorway, leaning on the wall and the gate fast asleep. It reminded me of the time fell asleep while walking from the barracks to the galley in boot camp! A quick flash of the camera and she was awake again (hence the 14 minute period). After which she fell asleep on the floor in the doorway and I promptly scooped her up and put her back in bed. She is now fast asleep along with Claire and Evelyn. Good night!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Back at the Ranch...

We are back at the Irminger Ranch and we all have colds. Grandma is spoiling us very nicely and helping us get the rest we need to heal. Last night we accompanied Grandma, Lee and Tracie to church. During children's chior practice, Evelyn sat in a pew and sang along with the big kids preparing for their Easter program. Later, Evelyn turned around and was imitating Ms. Mary Edith direct the children's chior. She decided she wanted to be the teacher. Elora put up with chior practice for about 10 minutes and then we went outside and played on the swingset. Evelyn was beside herself with joy to be participating with the big kids.

When it came time for pajamas Evelyn wore her Disney Princess nightgown and Elora chose a princess t=shirt. Evelyn wasn't familiar with the tshirt and i fully expected her to pitch a fit that she wanted that shirt instead of her gown. She very grown up like said, "Mommy, she has princess jammies too, How Cool is that!" Where does she get this stuff?!?! It was adorable. "How cool is that" I guess I say that occasionally!

Today is the day of the Homeschool easter egg hunt here at the Irminger ranch. Evelyn is out playing and running with all her friends and having a great time. Elora is napping soundly here in the camper. She'll be ready to play soon. Earlier today she put half of a plastic Easter egg in her mouth and choked. Scared me to death. Praise the Lord she got it out of her mouth. I didn't know what was going on until after she was crying and in my arms. I bought them cute matching Easter dresses. Evelyn and Elora are just cute as can be. Elora has been very helpful spilling the dogs drinking water all over Grandma's kitchen floor, she has also been helpful in feeding the dogs even when it's not time to feed them. Mom has a new style washer and dryer with the buttons on the front, so Elora just LOVES to push the buttons and make noise with them. She also has enjoyed riding ont he tractor any chance she gets. I should wake her up so she can go have some fun. Happy Day!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Once Upon A Time....

"once upon a time there was a bear...and his name is Elora...and another bear named Evelyn..and a bear named Dramma (Grandma) and a bear named PaPa (Grandpa)." The story ended there. It had no plot just characters : ) the mind of a two year old. That was the story Evelyn told at dinner last night. Then today I started with "Once Upon a Time there was a Princess Evelyn...and a princess Elora. Princess Evelyn and Princess Elora liked to play in the playhouse at Grandma and Grandpa's house." This story was quickly interrupted by Evelyn informing me "no princess elora just princess me". She is rather adorable and very much loves the Disney Princesses right now. Evelyn and Elora can spot a Cinderella a mile away. Evelyn very clearly can say Cinderella but Elora recognizes her as "Rella". Pretty darn cute in my opinion. Today we stayed home from church and enjoyed the beautiful weather here in GA. 72 degrees sunny and not too breezy. The girls are wearing capri's with long sleeve shirts and Evelyn is excited to be wearing "Summer clothes". Nothing too exciting happening here today. The girls had a picnic lunch on the front porch after playing hard outside in the playhouse and on the swingset. Evelyn informed me she was "bery sleepy" so we headed over to the camper and took naps. It's nice to visit the Ranch and have our own little spot to call our own.