Sunday, May 11, 2008

where do I start?

Surprisingly enough, we are settling into normal life. The girls are as amazing as ever, and David is enjoying his new job. I am enjoying Mother's Day. David and the girls made me waffles from scratch with a yummy homemade strawberry sauce. Emma is growing. We just switched her from regular formula to a soy based formula. Her stomach hasn't agreed with the cow's milk base for several days and so we switched! the first baby to experience soy formula in our family. she is a heavy sleeper..praise the Lord... and she sleeps fairly well at night. Usually up at 12:30 and 4:30 am. Goes to sleep around 9pm. The big girls are still adjusting to her but truly seem to love her. Evelyn's imagination has been amazing me. She plays princesses, mermaids, Dora and puppies all day long. Elora is just trying to keep up with her! Elora is 20 months now and that just flabbergasts me as she was my "baby" for so long and now she's the middle child and seems so grown up.

Well, my moment is over, Emma is stirring and ready for a bottle : )