Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Slacker Blogger...

Okay, I admit it, I'm a slacker blogger. But this isn't as easy as it looks : ). Yesterday we started listening to a new kids praise and worship cd. Evelyn LOVES it. We listened to it on the way to the store and by the time we got to the store and were shopping she was singing as loud as she could "I want to be like Jesus!" She really has a knack for remembering lyrics. As she and I were rocking out in the car she told me to turn down the music and she told me, "Mommy, thank you singing with me... I so proud of you". How cute is that!!! Elora kinda rocks her head back and forth as we sing and she every now and then pipes up. When we sing our abc's she waits very anxiously until the end when she can chime in on the very last word...."won't you sing with ME." She does this also with some of our praise music. What a cutie. We have been dog sitting this week. Our friend Brenna brought us her dog while her family is moving. So Bridges has been sleeping on the back porch and Elora gets so excited to look out the back window and see him. She runs to the back door to see him through out the day and so desperately wants to go play. "Puppy!!!" She screams..."Side" follows (her version of outside).
Elora's vocabulary has been increasing leaps and bounds. I asked her the other night if she wanted spaghetti pie for dinner. I figured she would nod her head yes and happily scamper to the table as she is always hungry, however, this time she responded with a decided "No" followed by "HOT DOG". Little girl LOVES food and she was determined that night to have a hot dog. That was the first time she said "Hot Dog" without seeing one, or me telling her that was what she was eating. I guess I have learned not to ask what she wants for dinner. Because dinner is for them whatever it is for everyone else. No options nor substitutions : )

THey are happily napping right now. It's raining outside. A beautiful restful day. Elora is cutting 4 teeth and growing rapidly. She and Evelyn are now sharing 24 month clothes. Evelyn is very compassionate to her little sister. She still calls Elora "Baby" and we are trying to encourage the use of Elora's name since Baby Emma will be here in a few weeks. When not calling her Baby, Evelyn prefers to call her Elora Madison. Elora can say Emma and knows that for some reason there is a baby that we call Emma in Mommy's Tummy. Amazing how they can just take what I say as truth even though they can't see what I'm talking about. This is reiterating to me how important children's ministry and outreach is. Kids trust their parents and elders so much that they readily believe what they are taught. What an awesome time to teach about the Love of Jesus.


Anonymous said...

yay new post!

elora should come back so she can go 'side with our puppies

They got really dirty today - http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3117/2294482027_907a794fff.jpg?v=0

Anonymous said...

Cute puppy picture

The first link is a little funky.. click "cute puppy picture"