Sunday, April 27, 2008

All is quiet....for the moment

Evelyn, Elora and Emma are all sleeping. David is reading a magazine, the tv is off, the dishwasher is not running (although, I should have started it before I left the kitchen), the washer and dryer aren't running (although, it should be!). The only noises are the hum of the air conditioner and the soothing dull noise of Emma's swing rocking her. Wow. What a moment. So you might ask, "Claire, why are you not sleeping?!?!" and the answer is, I don't really have a good reason. I could very easily lay down and sleep, but thought I would blog for a moment instead. Evelyn and Elora are adjusting nicely to having a sister, Evelyn likes to show her all the toys and stuffed animals. She also enjoys holding her for a moment or two until tipping the pillow Emma is lying on to try to push her off. Elora is a big helper. Her job is to carry the bottle from the kitchen to whomever is going to feed Emma. If I make the bottle, and am going to feed Emma I have to give it to Elora and then I follow her to either Bertha (David's man chair) or to the red recliner/rocking chair we stole from mom and dad. She's very proud of being such an integral piece of Emma's feeding routine. Elora then likes to climb up next to the feeder and help hold Emma's bottle, and give her hugs and kisses as she eats. It's all very cute until someone either gets hurt (Emma) or gets their feelings hurt (Elora) because she can't help as much as she'd like.
Evelyn and Elora are wonderful, sweet girls, and unfortunately I lose my patience with them all too often. They however are sleeping very well and falling asleep well too. Lots of work has gone into training them to stay in their beds and fall asleep quickly. Emma on the other hand has very little routine, except to wake up every night at 2am. This wake up session usually lasts several hours. Last night until about 5:30am. Frustrating that her days and nights are all switched around. Yesterday, Evelyn, elora and I left the house to go visit Aunt Dawn and then head to walmart at around 8am so that Daddy and Emma could sleep. Today it was my turn to sleep in and get a few extra zzz's. I wonder how it will work this week as David goes back to work and the girls and I are on our own....
Alas, life is good.

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