Thursday, April 17, 2008

Nesting and a few more days...

Nesting.. David and I have been catching up on long put off organizing and cleaning. What fun it is to be nesting. Almost everything is reorganized and cleaned up. Day before yesterday I spent the day organizing our MP3 players and all the cords/paraphanelia that goes along with that. I emptied the MP3 player memory and started fresh for the hospital visit. There are no radios in the L&D rooms so it will be nice to have an assortment of praise and worship music. Jack Johnson might be my new favorite artist. He's a Secular musician but soooo mellow. You can listen to several selections of his at if you're not familiar : ). back to cleaning...over the weekend and into Monday and Tuesday, David and I spent time cleaning up the garage. It's amazing as we seem to have to reorganaize the garage every few weeks. Tis a good thing we don'thave a basement because I don't think we could keep up! The garage is where we just go and dump things...We also have oodles of boxes of baby clothes and baby toys, stuffed animals, eletronic cords, tools, etc. stacked from floor to ceiling in the garage. So at any rate, the laundry will be caught up again today, the bathrooms might get cleaned, yesterday I cleaned out the van. I have to move around the car seats in the van for Evelyn and Elora to be in the back seat so that Emma can ride in the middle. That should be interesting. Evelyn yesterday (as she helped clean out the car) informed me that she did NOT want to give Emma her spot in the car. She was very adament that it was her spot and it was not okay for Baby Emma to have it. Uh-Oh.
As I have been organizing I have been trying to put stuff away in the girls photo albums..only to realize that I have not printed photos from our digital media since Easter last year. So in an effort to catch up I have orded 780 prints. Some are duplicates though, so it's not like we had 780 individual photos...just prints. THat should be a fun pile to organize by date and then put into the photo guess is I'll have to buy new albums after this as theirs will be stuffed full! All along with having Emma at home. Wow.. I should have done this months ago.

We have 5 more days until we meet Emma (today included). We are a definite for Monday morning. We have to arrive at the hospital at 6am so that I am ready for my IV and paperwork around 6:30am. That's crazy!! I can't believe its time. The girls really have no comprehension of what is going on. Our bags are packed and lists are made. I have explicit directions written out for those who are taking care of Evelyn and Elora. Oh what fun!!!

Our new washing maching is soooo very cool. It chimes a melody when the wash load is complete. So cool! Evelyn and Elora love taking turns to help push the buttons to make it start. Praise the Lord for the "Child Lock" Option.

The girls are done with breakfast and so my time is done. Have a Blessed and Wonderful Day!

1 comment:

dawnie said...

How exciting! The house looked great on Wednesday (don't know if I told you that during the rush!).
I f you guys need anything with/for the girls let us know! I can't believe that it has been 9 months already! You guys are such great parents and I hope Baby Emma realizes how lucky she is!
Love you both,