Thursday, April 24, 2008

Family of 5...

Our family is complete. Well, all 3 girls are home and sleeping in their beds. Life is good. God is good. Having Evelyn and Elora greet Emma and hug and kiss her was a great moment. Evelyn was very excited to hold baby Emma and sat eagerly waiting in the rocking chair with a pillow across her lap to rest Emma on. She and Grandma had been reading a book about new babies this past week and Evelyn learned that she can hold the baby as long as she has a pillow. So she quickly ran to her bed and brought out her pillow to hold Emma. They are both intrigued by the baby and how small she is. Elora loves to just rub her head, pat her belly and gve her kisses. Just for a moment or two and then runs away. Evelyn likes to hold Emma and give her a bottle. Evelyn and Elora were showing off their belly buttons and asked to see Emma's. Of course Emma still has her umbilical stump which is not very pretty. Elora was very concerned about Emma's belly button, frowned in pain and said "hurts" over and over again as she pointed to her own belly button. She is a very compassionate child.

Emma is a very peaceful baby so far. I can remember lots of crying from Evelyn and Elora at this time. I have chosen not to breastfeed Emma so the feedings are much less stressful on both of us. So maybe that has attributed to her happiness. She is most defintely a joy. And our joy just woke up : ) It's bottle time!

1 comment:

dawnie said...

Yeah! I bet the girls are so excited to finally meet Baby Emma. I bet that was a precious moment all the way around. Brittany and Isaiah are excited to see Emma. It unfortunately will have to wait at least a week. Brittany has come down with Pink eye. Hoping that Isaiah doesn't get it. Love you guys! (All 5 of you!)