Sunday, April 27, 2008

Emma's first dr's appt...

Emma had her first doctor's visit on Friday. She weighed in at 8lbs 13 oz. She was born at 9lbs and left the hospital at 8lbs 7oz. She's a healthy eater! Her coloring is great, no jaundice, and the doctor had no concerns. Hooray!!

Emma has been our healthiest newborn. Evelyn had to have IV antibiotics for several days, She had an antennae stuck out of her forehead for her IV. Elora had jaundice, so we came home from the hospital with a blue light blanket and had to return to the hospital every day for 3 days to have her blood checked. That was not easy.

1 comment:

Marine1Man said...

Yeah! Finally got got my Google/Blogger Login/Identity again to post comments. Have no doubt however, I get both this and the "Complicated Thoughts ..." blog everyday (to be honest, sometimes multiple times each day). I Love Ya'll, and Your Blogs Very, Very Much.
