Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Emma Joy

Emma was born Monday at 4:54 pm. I took my time all day but when Emma was ready to join us we couldn't stop her! She was born very quickly and very easily. Praise the Lord! We had wonderful nurses the whole time we were at the hospital. We are now home and very tired. Evelyn and Elora are visting at Grandma and Grandpa's house but should be returning tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and praises! Praise the Lord for Emma!

1 comment:

dawnie said...

Yeah! Welcome to the world baby Emma Joy! We are so glad you decided to come out, nice and happy. You are such a sweet baby and I can't wait to see what the world has in store for you....or better yet- WHAT YOU HAVE IN STORE FOR THE WORLD!
You are following in some pretty good footsteps behind Evelyn and Elora and of course your mommy and daddy. Be nice to your mommy and daddy...i know they are experienced parents now...but still go easy on them!
I am so happy for you guys! It was such a "joy" to see baby Emma yesterday and get to hold. I didn't get to see Evelyn and Elora when they were this young so it was so nice to be able to see her.
I love you guys and am glad everyone is home safe, healthy, and sound!