Saturday, April 19, 2008

Miss the Girls...but this sure is nice....

David and I are almost at a loss as to what to do with ourselves! David and my mom met last night at our halfway meeting point...a Sonic about 1.5 hours for each of us.. And David gave her the girls for the next few days. Praise the Lord!! I slept so well last night. No concerns and no girls needing our attention in the middle of the night. We've had a wonderful day full of relaxing, housework, and just spending wonderful time together. It's kind of like a date weekend instead of a date night : ) what a blessing just before baby Emma arrives. Today we visited the mall to make some returns and ended up shopping in the Christian bookstore. We purchased some excellent Christian music. We can now highly reccommend Caleb Collins- he sings beautifully! Something like Michael Buble or Frank Sinatra. Ahhh, the combination of Frank Sinatra style and lyrics about Jesus...something to soothe the soul. Very cool music. I think it's defintely David's new favorite cd! We also purchased a new Passion cd, and I've been hunting for Christian music with a Jack Johnson sound and we we introduced to Shawn McDonald...kinda similar...the lyrics are a little odd or cheesy..something just not quite there. Anyways...

We had a wonderful day. The day is almost done and we're down to less than 36 hours before we go to the hospital to meet Emma. The days of full nights sleep are over again. We're fairly ready here at home. The bags are packed, car seat is ready. The bottles have been ordered and should arrive in the next few days.

David took pictures of me so that everyone can see my pregnant beautyness. Enjoy! Laughter is totally okay, well maybe just a chuckle. David bought be a book today called, "bouncing back from pregnancy" it is based on the "body by God" and "Food By God" plan by dr. ben lerner. Looks interesting. We shall see : )

1 comment:

dawnie said...

I am so excited for you! I know you are ready for Baby Emma to make her Grand Entrance into this world. I wish you guys all the best of luck today!
Love you guys!